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Introduction To Bullseye Pistol class

Date and Time

Saturday, April 27, 2024, 9:00 AM until 12:00 PM Central Time (US & Canada) (UTC-06:00)


Addicks Range #2
1300 N. Edridge Pkwy.
Houston, TX  77077

Event Contact(s)

Larry R Rider

Steen E Christensen


Addicks Range

Registration Info

Registration is recommended

About this event

This class will teach the rules and equipment used for shooting Bullseye Pistol, and how the matches are run

We will begin around 9:00 am and end around noon.  We expect to cover range commands, scoring, equipment needed, and practice at turning targets.  

There is no cost to attend and all targets that will be needed are free of charge. Registration in advance is encouraged but not required.

All people attending will be expected to provide their own eye protection, hearing protection, guns they want to use (most will bring at least a .22 pistol) and their own ammunition (bring more than you think you will use- it is a lot of fun and you will use more than you think). 

It has been my experience that those attending really enjoy the morning, even if they may never participate in a bullseye match!  One of my goals is for the participants to go away and reflect on the morning and think "I know I can do better".  I still think that after almost every one of the matches that I shoot.

If you have questions about the event, contact Larry Rider - or Steen Christensen -
Here is hoping for good weather!!
Larry R Rider 
Bullseye pistol director