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The following FAQs addresses many of the frequent questions we receive.

Q: When can I get on the waiting list? 

 You can get on our waiting list anytime. Just fill out the "Add Me To Your Waiting List" at the bottom of this page. But be sure to read all the FAQs first.

Q: What are the costs for membership?

The current yearly dues are $200. New members must also pay a $200 initiation fee and it is payable when you register for a New Member Orientation. All payments are made online with credit cards.

Q: What happens if I fill out the application, attend a New Member Orientation and pay the $200 and then change my mind or I am not accepted?

We will refund you $200.

Q: What is the process to become a member?

  1. You signed up on our waiting list. When we have openings, you will be notified by email.
  2. We will notify you by email, with instructions on how to register for a New Member Orientation and pay the $200 initiation fee.
  3. Review the Range Rules while you wait for the Survey Monkey quiz to be sent to you. Its an open book quiz.
  4. Take and pass the Range Rules quiz.
  5. After you have attended the orientation, we will send you a link to the Membership Application.
  6. Fill out the application. Double check numbers (TDL, CHL, etc..., mistakes there can slow down your background check.
  7. Wait for the background check to clear.
  8. Wait for the Board of Directors to approve your membership. You will receive a notification when it is approved.
  9. Logon to the Member’s Only section and pay your $200 yearly dues. We prorate the dues depending on when you join.
  10. Upload your selfie/mug shot to your Membership Card. No sunglasses or hats.
  11. Print your membership card.
  12. Look up and save your gate codes.
  13. Drive to the range and have fun.

Q: I am a former member and I inadvertently let my membership lapse. Can I skip the initiation fee, the quiz, or the application wait?
No, you may not. Unless you have verifiable proof of circumstances that prevented you from renewing your membership, your membership has expired/lapsed. You will have to start from the beginning by registering on our waiting list like all prospective members.

Q: If I am on the existing waiting list when will I become a member? 

Whenever we have availability, we notify you by email that the registration for new members orientation is open. We cannot meet the demand for memberships, therefore it is very competitive for the limited openings, and the early bird does get the worm. Depending on circumstances we strive to open for new members once a quarter.

Q: What happens if I cannot make the scheduled orientation? 

You must make yourself available for one of these orientations in order to complete the process. If you do not attend an orientation, you cannot become a member.

Q: What do I need to do on the day of the orientation?

The Juliff range gate closes at 9:25 and the orientation starts at 9:30am promptly. Late comers will not be permitted to enter the range and disrupt the orientation. Be safe and be early. Also bring ear plugs, this is a shooting range. Do not bring any firearms. If you can't stand for 90 minutes, bring a folding chair.

Q: What happens if I schedule an orientation and I get stuck in traffic?

You will have the opportunity to reschedule for another day. Do not wait till the last orientation date and then miss it. There may not be another for months.

Q: Can I recommend a friend for membership and bypass the waiting list or go to the top of the wait list? 

No, you may not bypass the waiting list. Only spouses or college age children of members can bypass the waiting list.

Q: Can I call or email to determine when I or a friend will be able to become a member? 

We provide information to the applicant only. Your inquiry into another person's application will go unanswered.