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Bayou Rifles HP - Practice Day (1000 yards)
About this event
******* Bayou Rifles HP - Practice Day Sunday, April 7, 2024 - 1000 yards *******
There will be no official match on Sunday, April 7th. Instead, we will set up targets, assemble at the 1000-yard line, and practice in preparation for TSRA-LR.
Remember that TSRA will be shot in pair-fire, so this is your chance to practice this format before TSRA.
Two shooters per target alternating; one fires, the other scores the shot and then the second shooter fires and the first shooter scores. Rinse & repeat.
You have 45 seconds to take your shot once the prior shot has been scored.
2 convertible sighters and 20 rounds for record.
You can convert both sighters, or only the second one to score, and you declare that after the second sighter is scored.
There is no e-registration for this practice, and it's free.
Report to the pits by 8:00AM. We will conclude at noon, or earlier if everyone is finished.
Donate to the Juliff High Power Safety Berm Expansion Project
Juliff High Power Development Fund
HP Long Range Match
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